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self portrait, oil on canvas, 1972, Tuscany, Italy 20x24cm app 8x9in

copy after Rembrandt 1973, conté on paper 17x22cm app7x9in Cabinet of drawings of the Uffizzi , Florence

copy after Rembrandt 1972, conté on paper Cabinet of drawings of the Uffizzi , Florence

copy after Velasquez, 1973, conté on paper, 17x22cm app7x9in Cabinet of drawings of the Uffizzi , Florence,

copy after Rembrandt 1972, conté on paper Cabinet of drawings of the Uffizzi , Florence 24x32cm 9.5x12in

copy after Rembrandt, 1973, conté on paper, 17x22cm app7x9in Cabinet of drawings of the Uffizzi , Florence,

self portrait, oil on linen canvas, 1972, Tuscany, Italy 20x24cm app 8x9in

portrait of the artist's mother, oil on linen canvas, Paris 1971 39x48cm 15x19in

portrait of the artist's father, oil on canvas, 35x49cm app 14x19in Tusacany, Italy 1972

drawing of a slave, marble, Michelangelo, Accademia, Florence, 1972

drawing after Annigoni, 1972, conté on paper, 60x80cm 23x30in Convent of San Marco, Florence

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